Object Types

Activity The activity is ...
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.id }} int The numeric ID of the activity.
{{ obj.merchant }} Merchant The merchant of the activity.
{{ obj.category }} ActivityCategory The $category of the activity.
{{ obj.city }} City The $city of the activity.
{{ obj.title }} string The title of the activity.
{{ obj.description }} string The description of the activity.
{{ obj.highlights }} string The highlights of the activity.
{{ obj.itinerary }} string The itinerary of the activity.
{{ obj.youtube_id }} bool The ID of the YouTube video associated with this activity. Empty string if not available.
{{ obj.social_has_skyscanner_enabled }} bool Whether SkyScanner integration is enabled globally and for this activity.
{{ obj.teaser_img }} ActivityTeaserImg An image intended for overviews, lists, etc.
{{ obj.header_img }} ActivityTeaserImg An image intended to show at the top of a page.
{{ obj.gallery_imgs }} ActivityGalleryImg[] Images showing the experience of the activity.
{{ obj.has_info_pdf }} bool Whether an info PDF for the current language was uploaded to the activity.
{{ obj.info_pdf_url }} string URL to the info PDF. Will only be available if 'has_info_pdf' is true.
{{ obj.route }} Location[] The locations where this activity crosses.
{{ obj.route_str }} string The route of the activity as a dash-separated string.
{{ obj.is_bookable }} bool Is this activity bookable?
{{ obj.booking_url }} string The booking URL of the activity.
{{ obj.details_url }} string The details URL of the activity.
{{ obj.next_price }} Price|null The next price of the activity (if a next price exists) or null.
{{ obj.custom_values }} ActivityCustomValue[] Activity custom values.
{{ obj.num_bookable_addons }} int How many bookable addons does this activity have?
ActivityCategory The activity category is ...
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.id }} int The numeric ID of the activity category.
{{ obj.name }} string The name of the activity category.
{{ obj.description }} string The description of the activity category.
ActivityCustomValue Custom values are the values entered for custom fields created by the merchant.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.label }} string The label of the custom field.
{{ obj.value }} string The value of the custom field.
Auth This object provides information to everything authentication related.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.is_logged_in }} bool Whether there is a currently authenticated user.
City The city is ...
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.id }} int The numeric ID of the city.
{{ obj.name }} string The name of the city.
{{ obj.country_code }} string The country code of the country that the city is located in.
{{ obj.country_name }} string The name of the country that the city is located in.
Currency Details about a currency.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.symbol }} string The currency's symbol (e.g. $, €).
{{ obj.name }} string The currency's name (e.g. US Dollar, Euro)
{{ obj.short_name }} string The currency's short name (e.g. USD, EUR).
FlashMessenger The flash messenger contains messages that should be displayed to the user.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.successes }} string[] Success messages.
{{ obj.notices }} string[] Notice messages.
{{ obj.errors }} string[] Error/alert messages.
Language The language represents an available language in our application
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.url_id }} string The URL identifier of the language.
{{ obj.name }} string The translated name of the language while considering the region
{{ obj.short_name }} string The translated name of the language and ignores the region.
{{ obj.locale }} string The complete locale for this language (includes region).
{{ obj.date_format }} string The date format that should be used when this language is displayed.
{{ obj.time_format }} string The time format to use with this language.
{{ obj.date_time_format }} string The date time format to use with this language.
{{ obj.date_format_jquery_ui }} string The date format to use with jQuery UI.
{{ obj.locale_jquery_ui }} string The locale to use with jQuery. Can be empty if no localization is available.
LayoutNavigations The navigations that are available in the layout.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.main }} Navigation The main navigation coming from the CMS.
Layout The layout contains all data that is globally accessible.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.auth }} Auth Information regarding authentication.
{{ obj.current_user }} User|null The current user (if logged in) or null.
{{ obj.current_merchant }} Merchant The details about the merchant this page is rendered for.
{{ obj.current_language }} Language The language currently selected.
{{ obj.current_page }} Page The current page.
{{ obj.navigations }} LayoutNavigations The available navigations.
{{ obj.sidebar }} string Captured data for the sidebar.
{{ obj.rendered_headers }} string[] Rendered HTML for overview elements.
{{ obj.flash_messenger }} FlashMessenger Messages that should be displayed to the user.
{{ obj.legacy_js }} string Captured legacy JavaScript that is still required for non Liquid pages.
{{ obj.legacy_css }} string Captured legacy CSS that is still required for non Liquid pages.
Location A place on Earth.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.name }} string The name of the location.
{{ obj.latitude }} float The latitude of the location.
{{ obj.longitude }} float The longitude of the location.
Merchant The merchant is ...
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.id }} int The numeric ID of the merchant.
{{ obj.name }} string The name of the merchant.
{{ obj.social_twitter_handle }} string The Twitter handle (if available) of the merchant. Without the leading @.
{{ obj.social_facebook_url }} string The Facebook page URL (if available).
{{ obj.social_has_facebook_connect }} bool Does this merchant have Facebook Connect configured/enabled?
{{ obj.social_facebook_app_id }} string The ID of the merchant's Facebook application.
{{ obj.social_facebook_custom_audience_pixel_id }} string The ID of Facebook's custom audience pixel as configured in the Facebook app.
{{ obj.social_google_plus_url }} string The Google+ page URL (if available).
{{ obj.social_google_analytics_id }} string The merchant's Google Analytics ID (if available).
{{ obj.social_google_tag_manager_container_id }} string The container ID that is used with the Google Tag Manager.
{{ obj.social_has_skyscanner_enabled }} bool Whether SkyScanner integration is enabled or not.
{{ obj.social_skyscanner_api_key }} string The SkyScanner API key that was configured for the merchant.
{{ obj.social_optimizely_project_id }} string The project ID as configured in the Optimizely app.
{{ obj.social_chat }} Chat|null Information about the various live chat integrations that can be configured in the admin. Is null if chat is not available.
{{ obj.language }} Language The default language of the merchant.
{{ obj.available_languages }} Language[] All languages the merchant supports.
{{ obj.currency }} Currency The main currency of the merchant. It is the currency all the prices are saved in.
{{ obj.available_currencies }} Currency[] All currencies the merchant is willing to sale in.
{{ obj.domain }} string The default domain of the merchant. May not support HTTPS.
{{ obj.secure_domain }} string The highest prioritized domain of the merchant that supports HTTPS.
{{ obj.trekksoft_domain }} string The *.trekksoft.com domain of the merchant (HTTPS).
{{ obj.is_trekkmarket }} bool Is this merchant the Trekkmarket merchant?
{{ obj.is_marketplace }} bool Is this merchant a marketplace?
{{ obj.has_accepted_tos }} bool Has this merchant accepted the Terms of Service?
{{ obj.trip_advisor_profile_id }} int|null The TripAdvisor Profile ID of the merchant.
{{ obj.is_able_to_sell }} bool Indicates if the merchant is able to sell yet (has accepted TOS, has configured a payment gateway, etc.)
{{ obj.has_shop_items }} bool Does this merchant have any addons which can be ordered from the shop?
NavigationItem The navigation item represents an item in a navigation tree
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.label }} string The label of the item.
{{ obj.url }} string The URL this item links to.
{{ obj.children }} NavigationItem[] Sub navigation items of this item.
Navigation The navigation represents a navigation in the layout (main, service, footer, ...).
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.items }} NavigationItem[] The items of this navigation.
Page A web page.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.url }} string The relative URL of this page.
{{ obj.title }} string The text that should go inside a <title>-tag.
{{ obj.keywords }} string The page keywords that should go inside a <meta>-tag.
{{ obj.description }} string The page description that should go inside a <meta>-tag.
{{ obj.meta_tags }} string The page's meta tags as HTML.
{{ obj.cms_page_id }} int The ID of the CMS page (if type is 'cms').
{{ obj.activity_id }} int The ID of the activity (if type is 'activity').
{{ obj.is_facebook_like_button_enabled }} bool Whether or not to show the Facebook like button on this page.
Price The price represents a price and all of its properties
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.amount }} float The price's amount
{{ obj.formatted }} string The price nicley formatted for output.
{{ obj.currency_symbol }} string The price's currency symbol (e.g. $, €)
{{ obj.currency_name }} string The price's currency name (e.g. Dollar, Euro)
{{ obj.currency_short_name }} string The price's currency short name (e.g. USD, EUR)
ShopCategory The shop category is ...
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.id }} int The numeric ID of the shop category.
{{ obj.name }} string The name of the shop category.
ShopItem An item that can be booked in quantities from the shop.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.id }} int The numeric ID of the shop item.
{{ obj.category }} ShopCategory The $category of the shop item.
{{ obj.title }} string The title of the shop item.
{{ obj.description }} string The description of the shop item. Contains HTML.
{{ obj.teaser_img }} ShopItemTeaserImg An image intended for overviews, lists, etc.
{{ obj.price }} Price The price of shop item.
Shop Items that can be bought in quantities. Like t-shirts, gift certificates, etc.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.shop_items }} ShopItem[] An array of ShopItemViewModel objects.
{{ obj.shop_items_by_category }} array An array of of ShopItemViewModel objects by shop category ID.
{{ obj.current_category_id }} int The currently selected category ID
Trekksoft This object holds information about TrekkSoft.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.logo }} TrekksoftLogo The TrekkSoft logo. Can be used with the "img_url" filter.
{{ obj.social_facebook_app_id }} string The ID of the TrekkSoft Facebook application.
{{ obj.social_google_analytics_id }} string The TrekkSoft Google Analytics ID.
User The user represents a person in the system that is able to log in.
Property Name Data Type Description
{{ obj.id }} int The numeric ID of the user.
{{ obj.first_name }} string The first name of the user.
{{ obj.last_name }} string The last name of the user.
{{ obj.email }} string The email address of the user.
{{ obj.language }} Language The language of the user.
{{ obj.can_administrate }} bool Indicates whether the user can administrate.
{{ obj.is_employee }} bool Indicates whether the user is considered an employee of the merchant.
{{ obj.can_access_booking_desk }} bool Indicates whether the user can access the booking desk.
{{ obj.is_bookee }} bool Indicates whether the user is a bookee.